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Michael Gregory Green

Gentlemen’s Legacy Investment Club 

Project: Your First Million

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After receiving one product (I ordered two, but decided to be reasonable and agreed to take only one after the seller's numerous requests), I managed to sell it the same day it arrived for 739 Euros on eBay.

How to Find Price Errors?

On my website and Discord, I regularly share information about such opportunities when stores list products at incorrect prices. Additionally, I have special bots that automatically search for these types of deals. This ensures that you won’t miss out on any attractive offers. Following this information and using these bots greatly increases your chances of capitalizing on these price errors before the store realizes its mistake.

Consumer Law – Can You Really Buy It at Such a Low Price?

In most cases, if you manage to place your order before the store realizes the error, you have the right to purchase the product at the listed price. Consumer law in many countries, including EU and USA, usually favors the buyer. This means that the store may be obligated to fulfill the order at the price it advertised, even if it was incorrect.


What to Watch Out For?

  • Response Time: In these cases, time is crucial. The faster you react to a price error, the better your chances of taking advantage of the opportunity.

  • Store Policy: Some stores may have clauses in their terms and conditions that allow them to cancel orders in the event of obvious pricing errors. It’s important to review the store’s policy before deciding to make a purchase.

  • Shopping Ethics: Keep in mind that while such errors are legally acceptable, it’s worth considering the ethical aspect of the transaction.

In the world of online shopping, there are instances when online stores mistakenly list products at significantly reduced prices, sometimes even 99% below their actual value. These price errors can be a huge opportunity for quick and attentive buyers, but it’s important to understand how the law works in such cases.


What Are Price Errors?

Price errors occur when an online store mistakenly lists a product at the wrong price. For example, a computer that normally costs 1,000 euros might be listed for 1 euro due to a system error. For the buyer, this is an incredible opportunity, but for the store, it can be a costly mistake.

Original Product Price for Comparison

Here are a few more deals we’ve recently caught!

Order for 500 Water Bottles with a Market Price of $50 each – Total Cost $50 for all!

A Clear Example of a Price Error

Price Errors: How Online Stores Sometimes Give Gifts to Buyers

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